Donating Stock

You may make donations or payments to Beth Israel Center any time by transferring stock.  Beth Israel Center will sell the stock upon receipt and use the proceeds from the sale to fund your donation/payment.

1) Give your broker this information:

  • Custodian: Bank of New York Mellon N.A.

  • DTC: 8420

  • Agent Bank Number: 69595

  • Custody Account Number: UBZ-504170

  • Custody Account Name: Beth Israel Center

  • EIN: 39-6008076

2) Instruct your broker to indicate who the stock is from in the advise sent to BNY Mellon.

3) Email three pieces of information to

  • instructions about how to apply the proceeds from the sale of the stock, pay your account, make a donation to a particular fund, etc.

  • the name of the stock(s) and the number of shares.

  • your name

We will send you an acknowledgment when we have sold the stock.