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Send Mishloach Manot to your BIC Family!

Beth Israel Center is organizing Mishloach Manot, the sending of gifts, for Purim this year as a fundraiser. Share the love -- treats for all as we all treat each other!

Purim Gift Bags contain:

  • Hand-made hamantaschen

  • Other festive foods

  • Fun Purim surprises

  • Accompaniments for our online Megillah Reading (Thursday, Feb. 25)

  • A card with your name on it

Members of Beth Israel Center: Check your email for your personalized log-in ordering link. Not a member and wish to send greetings to someone in our kahal? Please email or call (608) 256-7763 and we'll gladly help.

Earlier Event: January 23
Zoom Nation Shabbat
Later Event: February 7
Yoga for Kids with Rena!