Beth Israel Center
a traditional, egalitarian synagogue in Madison, WI
Our Mission:
To be a vibrant, caring spiritual home where we explore and nurture our unique Jewish identities. Together, we create a kehillah (community) that is traditional, egalitarian and alive with celebration, learning, prayer and tikkun olam (repairing the world). At Beth Israel Center, Conservative Judaism resonates with our contemporary lives, while our tradition grounds us meaningfully in the present moment.
Our Vision:
Beit Tefillah—House of Prayer
We strive for inspiring, participatory ritual that nurtures our souls and elevates the spiritual life of our congregational community.
Our traditional, egalitarian tefillot (prayers) help us to live with a sense of purpose, interconnection and kedushah (holiness). We celebrate Shabbat and holidays, gather for daily worship, and share lifecycle events as a multi-generational community. Our traditions inform and guide us in joyful and difficult times.
Beit Knesset—House of Gathering
We strive to be a synagogue community that is warm, welcoming and inclusive.
We gather in a variety of settings to celebrate joyful occasions and to support each other. We provide social, educational, spiritual and cultural opportunities for all ages. We use the talents of our members and, together, act as partners and leaders in making our world a better place through tzedekah (righteousness), gemilut hasadim (loving-kindness) and engagement with the broader community and Israel.
Beit Midrash—House of Study
We strive to be a congregation in which everything we do deepens our appreciation for and connection to Judaism.
We offer dynamic Jewish learning opportunities for all ages that foster connection to Torah, Jewish life, and Eretz Yisrael. Our youth programs, both educational and social, ignite a lifelong love for Judaism and cultivate future Jewish leadership. Our Talmud Torah helps its students master skills and deepen knowledge so they can participate fully and meaningfully in Jewish life. Family education opportunities excite and engage children and adults, instilling appreciation for Jewish learning and living. Our Adult Jewish Learning Program empowers all who are interested to connect with our rich tradition of Torah LiShma (study for its own sake).
Shmirat Beiteinu---Caring for our Home
We strive to be a congregation of which all are proud to be members.
We look to current knowledge and research to inform how we govern ourselves. We manage our resources responsibly, maintain and enhance our sacred gathering spaces, and treat one another with derech eretz, respect and caring.
Adopted by the Board of Directors - 13 April 2010