Our weekday minyan is a lifeline of connection to community, whether it’s part of your regular practice or something you want to check out for the first time (or the first time in a while). You will be warmly welcomed!

Please join us Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Friday mornings (at different times and in different formats, detailed below) and Monday through Thursday evenings at 5:45pm on Zoom.

Morning Minyan Schedule Details:

  • Sunday mornings at 8:15 am in person or on Zoom

  • Torah reading mornings at 7:15am in person or on Zoom

    • Torah reading mornings are:

      • Mondays and Thursdays

      • Rosh Chodesh

      • Chol Hamoed Sukkot

      • Hanukkah

      • Chol Hamoed Pesach

      • Fast days: We will follow our regular times and venues (in person/Zoom/both) on fast days.

        • When a fast day falls on a Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, we will hope for an in-person minyan so we can do a full Torah service. When a fast day fast day falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday, we will keep our regular practice (i.e., meet on Zoom only and not conduct a full Torah service).

      • In other words: We hope for an in-person minyan so we can do a full Torah service every Monday and Thursday and when Rosh Chodesh, Chol Hamoed Sukkot, Hanukkah, or Chol Hamoed Pesach falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. That means on all of these days, minyan begins at 7:15, in person and on Zoom.

  • If there is a special request for a Shiva or a yahrzeit occurrence, we will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am, and Friday mornings at 7:15am, on Zoom.

For Zoom links, check your email or write to bic@bethisraelcenter.org.

Need instructions for in-person entry? Call the office (608-256-7763) or email bic@bethisraelcenter.org.

Click here to see when members of our community have requested help making a minyan so they can observe a yahrzeit (death anniversary).

Download the morning services PDF here

Download the afternoon/evening services PDF here