Beth Israel Center is a place where all sexes, sexual identities, and genders are welcomed, fully included, and celebrated.

We are serious about this, and it shows. Beyond hosting moving Pride celebrations and performing LGBTQ+ marriages, Rabbi Betsy will help you mark the points in your life journey in sacred and beautiful ways that affirm the fullness of your identities. She can help you approach conventional life cycle events and Jewish holiday observances through the lens of your LGBTQ+ experience, and she can also help you with specially designed rituals to mark life milestones unique to you and your LGBTQ+ experience, such as coming out, gender transition, changing your name, and more. These rituals may include immersion in our beautiful mikvah. Our Rabbi and community are ready to meet you where you are and support you through life’s difficult moments as well.

At Beth Israel Center, we are excited to help you answer questions like…

  • How can our next family simcha or holiday be elevated by inviting the full and genuine presence of everyone around the table?

  • How can I celebrate my gender affirmation through ritual on the bimah?

  • How can our pre-wedding aufruf (going up to the Torah prior to being married) reflect our LGBTQ+ experience?

  • How can I be empowered to navigate the intersections of Jewish text and tradition and my own identities?

  • How can we welcome our new child into our family in ways that honor and celebrate who we are as LGBTQ+ Jews?

Please contact Rabbi Forester to discuss these questions and any related issues.